
The Otter Team is a small grassroots volunteer run project helping Gravenhurst/South Muskoka area kids ages 4 through 12 to participate in local activities they enjoy but don't normally have easy access to. Activities provided are specially geared to the particular interests and abilities of the kids. There are no membership fees or costs to the kids to join an activity they enjoy. Otter Team kids and their families are never obliged to do any fundraising.

Most activities typically involve 1-6 kids at a time. As activities are geared to individuals and small groups there can be a waiting list to join activities. The waiting list is filled on a needs basis rather than first-come-first-serve. Since the Otter Team is a small group and working with limited resources our focus is on helping kids in greatest need. Priority is given to those in lower income and single parent homes.

The Otter Team is not affiliated with any government program or social service agency so we do not ask personal and prying questions about anyone's financial or family status. We are simply ordinary parents and neighbours aiming to do the most good where it will matter most with the limited time and resources we have.

If you have a child that you feel would benefit and appreciate some extra help to participate in the activities they specially enjoy please feel free to get in contact with us by email (addresses shown in the image at the bottom of each page).

If you have an urgent need for any specific items for kids, such as clothing, toys, kids household items etc. please let us know as we sometimes have extra items in supply which may be of help to you.