Team Messages

 Messages and Announcements for Otter Teammates

Kids Winter Clothing: It's that time of year again when we distribute winter clothing to Otter Team kids in need. Those who have contacted me already have their items. If you missed out or were late in getting back to me with your request please get in touch asap so we can help you out. 

Mini e-Garage Sale Coming: We're planning to start listing some items for sale online soon to help toward recovering some of the costs involved in purchasing kids' hockey gear, fishing items and other supplies the kids use. The sales will only involve items we purchased ourselves (not donated items) and which no Otter Teammates have requested for themselves. As always for Otter Teammates: if you see us list an item for sale that you really need please let us know quickly so we can pull the listing and give the item to you. Update: The "Shop" page is now online.


Boys Hockey Gear: Throughout 2022 I did a lot of work rounding up extra hockey gear for the boys to use during pond hockey season. Over the year I purchased many of the items the boys needed most and was fortunate to also receive some terrific generous donations of hockey gear. We now have a lot more gear than in past seasons - and at last a great selection of goalie gear in a good range of sizes! 

Below I'm including a few photos of some the gear that we have added for this year. There is even more yet to be photographed! - as well as the gear you have seen and used in past seasons. More photos and details of the gear available to loan out to you this year will appear on the site soon in a dedicated hockey page which will describe more about what is available for your use this year. Update: The Hockey page was added to the menu bar.